Who Really Won?

Friday, November 12, 2004

Indiana: Another Isolated Incident

This blog has pretty much concentrated on Ohio and Florida, but there have been other stories floating around like the potential 'do-over' election in North Carolina.

Here's another interesting one:

Recount changes one Franklin Co. race (AP)

BROOKVILLE, Ind. -- A Democrat gained enough votes to bump a Republican from victory in a county commissioner's race after a recount prompted by a computer glitch in optical-scan voting.

The glitch in the Fidlar Election Co. vote-scanning system had recorded straight-Democratic Party votes for Libertarians.

When votes in southeastern Indiana's Franklin County were recounted by hand Thursday night, Democrat Carroll Lanning leaped from fifth to third in the three-seat commissioners race and Republican Roy Hall fell to fifth.

Yes, folks, another isolated glitch that, before it was corrected, favored the Republican over the Democrat.